French Valley Pony Baseball Rules of Play
Major League Baseball Rules (Last Posted: 2/2022)
These are the OFFICIAL BASEBALL RULES (OBR) for Major League Baseball. Unless otherwise defined in our local rules or the PONY rulebook, play is governed by this rule book. MLB OFFICIAL WEBSITE RULES
Pony Baseball Rules (Last Posted: 2/2022)
These are the basic rules and regulations for PONY Baseball. Local (published) rules take precedence over these if they are different (except in PONY Sanctioned tournaments). If neither addresses an issue, the official Major League Baseball Rules (above) shall govern.
FV Pony Local League Playing Rules and Regulations (Last Updated: 2/2023)
These are the local playing rules and regulations for French Valley PONY Baseball. These rules take precedence over both the PONY (except in PONY Sanctioned tournaments).
FVBSA Disciplinary Policy(Updated 8/2019 to reflect name change)